Get 100 Free Listings with List Perfectly!

Get 100 Free Listings with List Perfectly!

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Would you like to get 100 free listings with List Perfectly?

List Perfectly offers a 5-day or up to 100 listings money-back guarantee

List Perfectly offers a 5-day or up to 100 listings money-back guarantee for users to try out List Perfectly, risk-free.  If you are struggling with 5 free listings, then you aren’t using List Perfectly.  Skip those 5 listings and come on over to List Perfectly and get 100 free listings!

Your free listings will never expire

Upon publishing your listings with List Perfectly, they NEVER expire and the 100 free listings apply to any of the platforms that List Perfectly supports, including eBay, Etsy, Depop, Facebook Marketplace, Grailed, Instagram, Kidizen, Mercari, Poshmark, Vestiaire, and Shopify.

List Perfectly marketplaces

No waiting!

Don’t wait up to 10 months to get a total of 100 free listings with other services and their “free” plan option when you can go to List Perfectly now and get 100 free listings instantly.  Listings include any listing created in List Perfectly, imported to your List Perfectly catalog, as well as any listings crossposted marketplace-to-marketplace using List Perfectly.

No watermarks!

The listings are YOURS.  You own them.  No need to worry about watermarks or List Perfectly branding on any of your images or your listings.

List Perfectly is unlimited at all levels

Also, unlike other services, List Perfectly is truly unlimited at all plan levels.  When you subscribe, you get unlimited crossposting, unlimited importing, unlimited templates, unlimited storage, an unlimited number of listings you can create in List Perfectly, and more.

List Perfectly’s guarantee

If within the 5 days or up to 100 listings you decide not to continue, all you need to do is log into your account and send a request for a 100% refund.  You can do it at once without pre-approval via the List Perfectly dashboard, and your refund is issued immediately.

List Perfectly’s 100 free listings money-back guarantee offers you a risk-free opportunity to explore List Perfectly and all the great features it offers.

To try out List Perfectly’s 5-day, 100-free listings money-back guarantee, sign-up here.


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