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List Perfectly Is THE Place to Sell Your Stuff

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By Taylor Augustin

Originally published on

If you like selling your items on apps and sites like Poshmark and Etsy, you need to know about List Perfectly.

Instead of listing your items (whether theyre clothes, jewelry, home goods or pretty much anything else) separately on different platforms, List Perfectly allows you to do it in one place, saving you tons of time. We were curious to learn more about the company for ourselves, so we spoke with Amanda Morse and Clara Albornoz, co-founders and co-CEOs of List Perfectly. They told us all about their company, how to use it and what makes it so special.

Keep scrolling for our full interview with Amanda Morse and Clara Albornoz of List Perfectly.

Sweety High: Tell us about yourselves!

Amanda Morse and Clara Albornoz: Were Clara and Amanda, the co-founders and co-CEOs of List Perfectly! Before becoming sellers ourselves, Amanda served as a U.S. Marine Reservist and Clara was a lawyer in Argentina. We met in Long Beach, California in 2009 while we were both making a living from reselling, and we quickly bonded over our shared passion—the rest is history.

Amanda: I got into reselling after realizing that the corporate world was not for me. I was determined to become my own boss and start my own business. That business ended up becoming a full-time reselling job, and Ive loved every minute of being part of the reselling community.

Clara: Deciding to move from home in Argentina and leave my job as a lawyer was extremely difficult. On top of that, I had to sell my most treasured possessions: vintage clothes and jewelry left by my mom, who had recently passed away. It was heartbreaking, but it awakened my passion for reselling, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to make a living doing something I loved.

SH: How did you come up with the idea for List Perfectly? Whats the story behind it?

AM and CA: At the time, reselling had been our main source of income for five years. But Claras arthritis started to flare up, and that made the listing process extremely difficult and painful for her. It was obvious to us that something needed to be done to make listing items online easier and more accessible. Amanda taught herself how to code and we created the software for List Perfectly from scratch. Now, were proud to have made a solution that not only saves sellers hours and hours of their time, but that also helps them reach more customers and make more sales.

SH: Is there a special meaning behind the name List Perfectly?

AM and CA: We dont just want our customers to list their items haphazardly online—we want them to be able to List Perfectly!

SH: How does List Perfectly work?

AM and CA: List Perfectly is a cross-listing software that enables our users to list their products on multiple online marketplaces with just a few clicks. We offer all the tools they need to build success with online reselling, including analytics, image hosting, listing templates and much more. Ultimately, List Perfectly makes reselling faster, easier and more efficient than listing items one by one.

List Perfectly currently supports 12 online selling platforms: Depop, eBay, Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, Grailed, Heroine, Instagram, Kidizen, Mercari, Poshmark, Shopify and Tradesy.

SH: What types of products do you have on List Perfectly?

AM and CA: Our users list everything from clothes and shoes to jewelry and handbags to vintage furniture to even things like boxes, which you might have thought were trash. The most popular categories for our users to sell are clothing, video games and collectible hard goods, but theres truly a market for everything. Some of the top sellers in our community have had success selling things like old catalogs and empty perfume bottles—you just have to find the right audience for your inventory.

SH: What popular brands do you have on List Perfectly?

AM and CA: Our community uses List Perfectly to list everything from household names to luxury designers to even their own original brands! Its hard to say which brands are most popular among sellers since theres such a wide variety of brands and products that our most successful members sell, but anything designer usually sells quickly.

SH: What sets you apart from other, similar brands?

AM and CA: In addition to being founded by sellers, for sellers, here are just a few features that make List Perfectly different from all other competitors:

Everythings included for $0 extra. We dont charge you by the number of listings, platforms or crosslists you use. Youre here to grow your business, so we give you an unlimited number of templates, crosslists, products, listings, delist/relists and mark SOLD listings with every plan.

We are compliant with all platform terms. Publishing listings for you automatically directly violates terms and puts your account at risk. Instead, List Perfectly simply opens new windows with your listing details copied and filled out for you, and YOU click to publish. This protects your account and allows you to review everything to perfection.

Crosslist directly from platform to platform. Instead of charging extra to import your listings, List Perfectly allows you to crosslist directly from your existing platforms.

We support more platforms. Everything about List Perfectly gives you more—sell more listings on more platforms to more customers.

Multi-account crosslisting. Crosslist and copy listings from one account on the same platform to another. For example, crosslist from one Poshmark closet to another.

SH: Tell us about your sustainability mission!

AM and CA: List Perfectly is dedicated to helping people shop and sell sustainably. Did you know that giving one item a second life decreases its carbon footprint by 79%? We know that choosing resale over retail is a great way that we can all individually combat the fashion waste crisis, which is why we encourage all our users to sell everything. On average, we throw away 80 pounds of clothing per capita each year, and more than a full dumpster truck of clothing gets put into a landfill every second. Even Goodwill says 80% of their donations go straight to a landfill. List Perfectly helps resellers sell more than five times more items to buyers on secondhand marketplaces, thereby keeping those items out of landfills. We also make a point to include unlimited crosslisting with every plan (whereas other companies may charge more after a certain amount of listings) because we want our community members to have every incentive to resell as many items as they can.

SH: Is there anything else youd like us to know?

AM and CA: List Perfectly is a versatile e-commerce solution for sellers to efficiently list and crosslist products on multiple major marketplaces and channels like Poshmark, Mercari, Instagram, Shopify, eBay and more. List Perfectly was created by founders Amanda Morse and Clara Albornoz for sellers like them, who make a living from online sales, as a solution to the frustrating and laborious process of listing on multiple channels.

List Perfectly has a mission to help sellers work smarter and not harder, cutting listing time by an average of 80%. It is the only solution that allows sellers to crosslist unlimited products at no additional charge and offers the most diverse tools including delisting and relisting, inventory management, templates for faster listing and more. Its member base has grown by over 600% and sellers have crosslisted over 15 million products using its software in the last year alone. List Perfectlys unlimited crosslisting saves thousands of sellers an average of 80 hours per month, enabling them to reach new customers and make more sales, while also fulfilling the companys sustainability-driven vision to promote shopping resale, not retail. The average American throws away 82 lbs. of clothing each year, but by reselling it they are able to keep it out of landfills and reduce each items CO2 impact by 79% with each sale.

Originally published on

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