List Perfectly is not just for clothing
If you think List Perfectly is just for clothing, please think again. If it can be sold, it can be listed using List Perfectly. List Perfectly is not just for clothing!
You can use List Perfectly to list tools, plush toys, home décor, books, jewelry, glassware, appliances, electronics, ephemera, car parts, boats, suitcases, air compressors, and even your house if you want! You can also list clothing too, of course.
List Perfectly is versatile
List Perfectly is very versatile and you can tailor it to fit your needs. If you can sell it, you can list it with List Perfectly.
You can list plants, kayaks, rooms to rent, handmade projects, sports cards, and even that recliner that you don’t use anymore.
Photos in List Perfectly
List Perfectly provides the capacity of 30 high-resolution photos and you will be able to store plenty of pictures of your item so there are several images readily available for anything you would like to sell.
List Perfectly descriptions
With all List Perfectly plans, you get 5000 characters in the description field which provides plenty of room to describe whatever item you want to list. If you are on the Pro Plan, you can also use the Pro Description Builder. This gives you the opportunity to describe any item thoroughly, whether it’s a key for an upright freezer or a Sea Ray Sundancer power boat.
Conditions in List Perfectly
You can specify the condition of your item, as well as give a condition description. If you are selling a Harley Davidson engine, you’ll have the opportunity to go into detail on the condition and any other details you would like to disclose.
Measurements in List Perfectly
If you’d like to provide measurements of a pair of lamps you want to sell, the height of a coffee cup, the depth of a wood stove, or the width of a tote bag, List Perfectly provides you with several fields in the Pro Plan to list the dimensions (and the fields are customizable) or you can list the dimensions in the description field. This is when List Perfectly’s unlimited templates can come in very handy!
List Perfectly Crosslisting
Since List Perfectly crosslists to Facebook Marketplace (where local pick-up is available) and Mercari (where you can take advantage of Mercari Local and a courier will pick up your item and deliver it), size is not an issue. You can create listings for items that are very small or very large and you will be able to list these items without an issue. eBay also offers local pick up so that is yet another option if you have large items that you would like to list using List Perfectly.
List Perfectly Keywords
List Perfectly also has an area to fill in keywords if you are on the Business or Pro Plan. You can draw people in with your own keywords. This makes it so easy to pull in buyers for your specific item. Since you have this available, you are not limited as to who you can reach with whatever you might be listing with List Perfectly. You can include the model number of the bicycle you want to list, the artist of the painting you want to sell, the publisher of the book you are listing, the color of a mailbox, the size of a hard drive, amperage rating of Romex wire, lens size of a camera, brand name of a tool and even which model of car a speedometer is compatible with.
List Perfectly has no limits!
There are no limits with List Perfectly! It is for anyone who wants to grow their business. No matter what level you are selling at and no matter what you sell, you can use List Perfectly to grow your business. Don’t limit yourself because you think List Perfectly is just for clothing. List Perfectly is for anything you want to sell and is for anyone who wants to sell.