List Perfectly’s Poshmark Sharing Tool

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Utilizing List Perfectly’s Poshmark Sharing Tool boosts visibility for your listings and drives more traffic to your Poshmark closet.

Available to users on List Perfectly’s Pro and Pro Plus plans, List Perfectly’s Poshmark Sharing tool helps you by automatically sharing your Poshmark closet to boost visibility. It also facilitates sharing others’ items, fostering community engagement and increasing the likelihood that they’ll reciprocate by sharing your items.

Sharing plays a crucial role in achieving sales success on Poshmark. When you actively share your items, Poshmark displays them prominently across various pages—like search results, brand pages, and your followers’ feeds. Poshmark recommends regular sharing to enhance item visibility, and many sellers consider it essential for boosting sales.

With List Perfectly’s Poshmark Sharing Tool, you can share listings faster and more efficiently, eliminating the need for manual effort.

TIP: When using the List Perfectly Poshmark share tool, we recommend disabling any similar services you may be using.

Accessing the Poshmark Sharing Tool

To access the Poshmark Sharing Tool, open your List Perfectly extension by clicking on the LP icon at the top right of your browser.

Then, click the “Settings” button in the extension window.


Next, click the Poshmark icon at the top of the extension window to open your Poshmark Settings.

Then click the box next to “Poshmark Sharing” to open the sharing tool settings.


Recommended settings

Source of Items – All pages

Max value per session – 48

Max time delay between sessions (in minutes) – 2

Time of active sharing – from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM

Sharing order – From top to bottom

Active all day – turned off

Schedule – turned off

TIP: Click on the circled question mark to learn what each tool setting does.

Selecting your source of items

Selecting the source of items you would like the Poshmark Sharing Tool to share is essential, as this will determine what is shared.

You can select your source of items (where you would like to share from) by clicking the drop-down menu. You can choose My closet, Feed page, or All pages.


The table below details what each option means and where the items are sourced from for sharing.

poshmark sharing tool chart

Selecting the max value per session

The max value per session is the highest number of items you can share in bulk. Enter your desired number in the box.

We recommend setting this number to 48.

Max time delay between sessions

You can also select the max time delay between sessions (the maximum time between each bulk session). This is measured in minutes.

We recommend setting this number to 2 minutes.

Time of active sharing

You can choose a custom time frame from the drop-down menus to set a specific time to share listings daily.

We recommend this time frame be between 7 AM and 11 PM.


Sharing active all-day

If you’d rather have sharing happen throughout the day, check the box labeled active all day.

Schedule option

When you enable the schedule option, the Poshmark sharing tool will be active during your selected time frame. It will automatically start and stop sharing based on the times you customize. Plus, if your entire closet is shared during this period, it will reset and start over.


Sharing order

To select the order where you would like the sharing to occur, click the drop-down menu next to Sharing order.

You can share from top to bottom, bottom to top, or in a random order.

Start or stop sharing

If you want to start or stop sharing manually, click the “Start sharing” or “Stop sharing” button.


Sharing stats

The sharing stats are at the bottom of the share tool screen. They tell you the status of your progress in sharing.


​To use the Poshmark Sharing Tool, your computer must be on, the List Perfectly extension must be enabled, and your browser must be open. If the Poshmark share tool is interrupted (for example, you close your browser or reinstall the extension), you will be prompted to restart it.

Don’t have access to the Poshmark Sharing Tool? 

You can upgrade to List Perfectly’s Pro plan by visiting Account > My Account.

If you are already on List Perfectly’s Pro Plan and want to opt into Pro Plus, please click here.

When you actively share your listings, they appear higher in search results, brand pages, and your followers’ feeds. This boosts their visibility, making people more likely to discover and buy your shared items.

Please note that this feature is currently in BETA, meaning it’s still being tested and refined. Your feedback and observations are precious to us as we work to improve its performance and reliability.


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