List Perfectly

Once-and-Done Listing for e-Commerce Sellers

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From In Business Magazine

by Mike Hunter

Originally published on

Seeking a solution to the frustrating and laborious process of listing merchandise on multiple channels, Amanda Morse and Clara Albornoz founded List Perfectly in 2019. Created by sellers for sellers, the versatile e-commerce solution enables sellers to efficiently list and crosslist products on multiple major marketplaces and channels – at no additional charge, and cutting listing time by an average of 80%. Delisting and relisting, inventory management, and templates for faster listing are among List Perfectly’s suite of diverse tools.


n the past year, its member base has grown more than 600% and sellers have crosslisted more than 15 million products using its software. List Perfectly’s unlimited crosslisting saves thousands of sellers an average of 80 hours per month, enabling them to reach new customers and make more sales, while also fulfilling the company’s sustainability-driven vision to promote shopping resale, not retail. Morse and Albornoz note the average American throws away 82 pounds of clothing each year. “By reselling it, we are able to keep it out of landfills and reduce each item’s carbon impact by 79% with each sale,” Morse says.

Morse and Albornoz were motivated to create this solution when Albornoz’s arthritis threatened their ability to continue their own online selling at their needed volume, since listing products one by one on each selling platform was not only time consuming but physically painful. Morse taught herself to code the solution, and List Perfectly was born.

In addition to being a time-saving solution for sellers everywhere, List Perfectly is also dedicated to contributing to a healthier planet by promoting and encouraging the idea of shopping “resale, not retail.” Each sale made by List Perfectly users reduces that item’s carbon footprint and saves it from ending up in a landfill. List Perfectly works for sellers of all types of products, from clothing to electronics to vintage goods and everything in between.

Says Morse, “E-commerce is big enough for all of us. It is the great equalizer. Anyone can become a seller and ‘level the playing field’ in their own lives, make money from home with very little startup cost, and become a success. It is this truth and advice that motivated us to grow this company and bring List Perfectly services – which help everyone achieve success – first nationwide and eventually worldwide.” 

From In Business Magazine

by Mike Hunter

Originally published on

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