selling digital items on etsy

Selling Digital Items on Etsy

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Selling digital items on Etsy is a great way to earn some extra income. If you don’t have an account on Etsy yet, you will need to set one up. Once set up, you can quickly create a shop to match your brand.

etsy homepage 1.18.24

Set up an Etsy account

 If you don’t already have an Etsy account, create one by visiting the Etsy website and clicking on the “Sell on Etsy” link.

sell on etsy

Set up your shop

Once you have an account, set up your shop by providing details such as your shop name, profile photo, banner, and a brief description of your shop.

etsy shop

Now that the Etsy shop is ready, you can start creating the listings directly on List Perfectly. I suggest you create a template called something like Etsy Digital Items.  This will be an easy way to kickstart each listing. Save the template for fast access. If you are listing several digital items at once, you can set a Digital Items template to be your Default template to save more time. 

Log in to your List Perfectly account, Add Listing, and select the Etsy Digital Items template you created, if you didn’t already set up this template to be your default template. Continue to fill in all the details to match the desired description.

Now you are ready to crosslist from the List Perfectly catalog to your Etsy shop. Once you “copy” the listing into Etsy, you can now easily upload the digital file directly into Etsy. 

post to etsy

Set up digital delivery

When setting up your listing, you will also need to specify how the digital item will be delivered to the buyer. You can either choose Etsy to handle the delivery or use a third-party delivery service.

Set up payment

Once you have set up your digital listing and delivery, you will need to set up your payment options. Etsy accepts various payment methods, including credit cards, Etsy gift cards, and PayPal.

etsy payments
Image from

Promote your shop

Finally, you will need to promote your shop to attract potential buyers. You can do this by using social media, creating promotional materials, and offering discounts or special deals.

etsy shop

Remember, when selling digital items on Etsy, it is important to ensure that you have the right to sell the item and that you are not infringing on anyone else’s intellectual property.

The advantage of keeping copies directly in List Perfectly will make it easier than ever to post future listings directly into Etsy. This will be the perfect storage for the future if any of the other marketplaces open up the possibility of adding digital downloads. 

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