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What’s the hottest-selling item on eBay?
The magic question at every eBay workshop I’ve ever presented is, “What’s the hottest-selling item on eBay?” The truth is, whatever is hot today will not be hot tomorrow. Trends come and go, and it’s all about supply and demand.
For example, Tickle Me Elmo became the hottest toy of the season in 1996. The funny thing about it was when TYCO launched it, people thought it was too expensive to purchase for $30.00. But when Rosie O’Donnell talked about it on her TV show, the popularity of Elmo soared. Soon they were flying off the shelves and they became hard to find.
Elmo’s popularity lasted a few years until “Furby’s” rolled out and Elmo was put on the back burner. Trending toys come and go just like most categories on eBay, including clothing. Fashion trends populate the site often. eBay has a trending page on the marketplace, but keep in mind, they base the trends on searches.
Shopping eBay Hot Deals
Shopping “Hot Deals” can be found on eBay’s “Trending Deals” page, which is a hot spot for finding great prices. The deals change out weekly, with some categories changing daily. Top sellers are selected to be featured on the trending pages if they have a large inventory to meet the demands. If you feel you have items in stock that can handle the demand, you may want to contact an eBay representative to see if your items can be featured.
Research before you buy and list
So, here we are still wondering about the magic question, “What item can I sell on eBay that will make me millions?” How can we find the “golden ticket” to give us financial freedom? If it were that simple, we would all be millionaires by now. The truth is, that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be successful online. This is why research is so important. Research items before you buy, and research again before you list. Prices change and trends slow down.
One of my favorite ways to watch for trending toys is to subscribe to all the big box company newsletters. They have done the research for you. They have an advantage to know about new releases coming in all categories. When you subscribe to the newsletters, they will include headlines, which can create trends.
Pay attention to what the big box stores are promoting, like Target, Walmart, and Best Buy for electronics and branded websites based on your niche or interest. This will also prepare you ahead of time for all the “After Thanksgiving” weekend sales. Study the newsletters prior to November, because once the sales hit, all hell breaks loose with the trends start going through the roof.
Prepare for the up-and-coming trends, and enjoy the wave of making more money while the trends are hot. And, don’t forget to crosslist those high-demand items across all the marketplaces List Perfectly has to offer. It’s all about increasing the odds for more sales.