Garage Sales with Pat
Garage sales, rummage sales, church sales, yard sales; I stop at all of them. I love the hunt to find decor for our house and
Garage sales, rummage sales, church sales, yard sales; I stop at all of them. I love the hunt to find decor for our house and
From nola.com By Marni Jameson Originally published on https://www.nola.com/entertainment_life/article_40b321bc-495b-11ec-bd1b-07ffb3f8c037.html Release the hounds! This weekend marks the start of the great holiday hunt, as shoppers dash
From modernretail.co By Gabriela Barkho Originally published on https://www.modernretail.co/retailers/a-bigger-audience-than-ever-power-sellers-are-making-six-figures-off-of-resale-apps/ Theresa Cox has been an eBay seller since the mid-’90s. “My license plate is ‘eBay Girl,’”
From phoenixmag.com By Madison Rutherford Originally published on https://www.phoenixmag.com/2021/10/21/phoenix-based-company-list-perfectly-empowers-resellers-to-list-products-across-multiple-marketplaces/ We’re all familiar with the phrase “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Two Phoenix women
From sweetyhigh.com By Taylor Augustin Originally published on https://www.sweetyhigh.com/read/list-perfectly-interview-102021 If you like selling your items on apps and sites like Poshmark and Etsy, you need to
From Forbes.com By Melissa Houston Originally published on https://www.forbes.com/sites/melissahouston/2021/09/23/how-this-tech-company-is-helping-others-make-money-in-the-pandemic/?sh=74407844a3bd Imagine creating a business from reselling stuff that others no longer wanted? That’s exactly what Clara Albornoz
From latimes.com By Kathy Kristof of SIDEHUSL.COM Originally published on https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-08-07/list-perfectly-sell-online-ebay-facebook-marketplace-poshmark Amanda Morse and Clara Albornoz were earning a small fortune selling vintage clothing
From In Business Magazine by Mike Hunter Originally published on https://inbusinessphx.com/growth-enterprise/once-and-done-listing-for-e-commerce-sellers#.Yoa6yKjMK3D Seeking a solution to the frustrating and laborious process of listing merchandise on multiple
From AZFamily 3TV and CBS 5 News Originally published on https://www.youtube.com/c/azfamily If you sell stuff online, you know the posting process can be time-consuming. A