List Perfectly News and Updates April 2023

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The most recent news and updates from List Perfectly!

Early bird pricing for
Camp Listing Party ends April 15th!

Tickets are selling fast!
List Perfectly’s first reseller conference, Camp Listing Party, will take place in Phoenix, Arizona, June 27-28.

Network, grow, learn, eat, drink, and more, and then end it all with a live Listing Party Gala.
We will be announcing the line-up and agenda very soon!

camp listing party

early bird tix


Listing Party in the USA Tour!

The Listing Party in the USA Tour continues across the country!

At our Las Vegas tour stop we visited and hosted a reception with the Las Vegas BOSS UP eBay Meet Up Group at the Blind Center of Nevada, took a sourcing trip at the Goodwill Bins, visited Danni Ackerman’s new thrift store: Good Stuff Thrift Store, stopped by Yesterday’s Fits, and more!

listing party vegas

In Dallas, Texas, we met with Stephanie Inge’s meetup group The Dallas eBaybes & eMales and we hosted a reception for sellers!

listing party dallas

There are many more List Perfectly events across the country being announced soon! We are excited to see you and engage with our seller community!

Please make sure to update your information on your account page so we can reach out to you if we’re coming to your area!

List Perfectly Updates

Be sure to check the List Perfectly News page regularly for updates.
We recently launched new background colors for PhotoRoom removed backgrounds. You now have more colors available for your listing photos!

new backgrounds

Check out the new pricing suggestion tool by List Perfectly powered by Google! This new tool gives you access to comps and provides pricing guidance while you are listing in your List Perfectly catalog.

We’ve also launched a new and improved List Perfectly Quick Start Guide! Besides being another great List Perfectly resource, it’s easier to navigate and gives a quick check of your List Perfectly installation, device, browser, and current plan.

Quick Start Guide

Update extension


Listing Party

The parties continue over on!

We’ve launched messaging and badging on Listing Party. You can now message and chat with other listers on Listing Party and earn recognition for your participation!

new on listing party

If you haven’t done so, go to and connect your List Perfectly account, set up your profile, add some listings, and attend some amazing listing parties with the List Perfectly team and fellow sellers.
If you’re interested, you can also suggest or apply to host your own party!

ready to party


Join Listing Party

listing 101

New time and day! Every few months we change the Listing 101 time and day to accommodate different time zones and schedules.

Listing 101 is NOW every Monday at 4 PM PST / 7 PM EST. Theresa Cox and List Perfectly team members are there to give you live help!

join listing 101

seller community podcast

seller community blog

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