List Perfectly July 2022 Updates

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News and updates for July 2022 from List Perfectly!

List Perfectly in the News news

Consumer Reports news

Readers Digest newsTip Jar newsMercury News news

List Perfectly Updates

You can always check out recent List Perfectly updates here.

For July and August, we are extending Clara’s birthday gift of PhotoRoom to the LP Simple and Business Plan customers. Simple Plan members will get 25 free PhotoRoom background removal images and Business Plan members will get 50 free PhotoRoom images.

A group of referral members with the Pro plan have been testing out our new Listing Sync feature that will soon be released. We are now expanding our testing group to any referral member who uses the Pro plan. Please reach out to Customer Support if you would like to be in this beta testing group.

If you are not currently a referral member but would like to join our program, please go to the Main Menu to sign up.

Main Menu graphic
Aside from the monthly commission payouts, there are several other benefits to becoming a referral member:

  • Free to become a member
  • Access to join the Beta program and test out new features
  • Find out what new features are coming before everyone else 
  • Free graphic resources to promote your discount code


We’re updating marketplace settings in List Perfectly. 

You can now turn off Mercari smart pricing 
to speed up listing on Mercari.

  1. In your Chrome extension, click settings.
  2. Click the Mercari icon and unclick Turn of Smart Pricing feature on Mercari if you’d like your Mercari listings to crosslist to Mercari without Smart Pricing turned on.
  3. Be sure to check the other marketplace tabs for other settings you can turn on or off.


Learn about recent updates

The Seller Community Blog

We’re looking for blog writers!

As you know, we recently launched The Seller Community Blog. This blog is all about sellers and the seller community. We have writers from the List Perfectly team and we have some articles written by sellers, but we would love more seller input!

If you’re interested in writing about selling, telling your seller story or writing about List Perfectly, please reach out to for more information.

Check out some recent posts from our blog:

Don't throw away boxes post

money pile post

free resources post

The Seller Community Podcast

Listen to recent episodes on your favorite streaming app, or on

Listen in on some of our recent episodes:

rnzy podcast ep

flippinhippos podcast ep

rbagnik podcast ep

The next The Seller Community Podcast Livecast with Clara and Doug will be on the List Perfectly YouTube channel Wednesday, July 13, at 1:00 PM PST.

List Perfectly YouTube

Did you miss the recent YouTube live on Kat @thenurseflipper’s channel with @Bearded Thrift Machine and List Perfectly Co-CEOs and Co-Founders Clara Virginia Albornoz and Amanda Morse?

It was a lively chat that covered List Perfectly and many other selling-related topics! You can still check it out!

nurseflipper youtube

Some recent live sessions from the List Perfectly YouTube channel:

social commerce youtube

list on mercari youtube

unlimited youtube

Thank You!

We’ll see you next month with the latest List Perfectly news and updates!

Thank you for being a part of the List Perfectly family!

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